Repeatedly in press there were many articles informing about wrongly fitted bra health effects. Such news were often appaling – everything is caused by fashion trends and plenty of random people’s posts apearing around the Web. While surfing on the popular Internet blogs and forums you can easily find instructions urging to wear bras with too small girth or too small cup. Prof. Marek Zadrożny, specialist in oncological surgery stresses that although there are no studies that would indicate the development of a breast cancer caused by using an unsuitable bra, the correct choice is extremely important - „Not only to prevent future complications, such as a disorder of the lymphatic system, inflammation, or swelling but also to live in greater comfort” – he says.
Mismatched or poorly manufactured bra may cause serious health disorders. This perfect bra should fit well and it should be neither too tight nor too loose . Creating such bra requires not only the best design and manufacturing technology, but also the best pattern. To achieve this goal Corin has prepared a revolutionary program. Brand, which for a long time is trying to educate women about necessity of proper lingerie fitting, moves forward and tries to prove previous assumptions with proper research.
„In our actions we always try to put on women’s good and health – though our products are designed and manufactured especially for them.Throughout this campaign we want to make women also aware of proper bra fitting. Nowadays we hear so much about breast cancer and statictics getting worse day by day. If we manage to persuade even few women about the need of proper bra-fitting, we will consider it as our success.” –Mariusz Hanczka, Corin president.
Company’s ambition was to create such a shape of bra that would not only be aesthetically pleasing for its clients, but would be the perfect bra - comfortable and healthy. A modified bra shape was developed by Corins constructors and engineers from the Technical University of Lodz. Prof. Marek Zadrożny-head of Oncological Surgery and Breast Diseases Clinic in the Polish Mother Memorial Hospital-Research Institute was overseeing the project. The multi stage research took over a year. The project started with specifying pressure points on a 3D model of the female chest. This was done with a high-tech professional computer program used in digital simulations. First models of the new bra based on that data, helped in examination of the bra's cup projection and in performing another 3D simulation. Only after all those steps, bra with new and improved shape began to arise.
“On the basis of interactions between the surface of a bra and a woman's body, adequate dimensional changes were chosen in the projection - in the shape and the size of the bras; these bras were modified and later we tested whether indeed these shapes and these dimensions are optimal. It is intended that the results can be used as a guideline for manufacturers.”- Robert Pietrasik from Institute of Material Science and Engineering, Technical University of Lodz.
The bra was tested by a group of women of various age and breast size. Young women as well as mothers took part in the test.

„The thermovision turned out to be a useful method here to visualize changes in blood supply and thereby the changes of the temperature of the skin of the mammary gland. From our experiments we have clear evidence that wearing tight bras causes large temperature differences within the skin of the breast. A similar situation occurs with an overly loose bra- there is friction and by friction there are warmer areas and cooler areas– i.e. areas with a greater or lesser blood circulation . Naturally it all depends on the type of a breast, breast size, on the shape of the breast, as well as the body fat in women . It is important to know the technology of making suitable bras and thermographic studies appear to be very useful research. These are not merely subjective feelings of women surveyed, but in an objective manner tell us whether the product has been manufactured correctly and whether it is adequate for the appropriate type of a female breast. ” – says Zadrożny.
The research performed by Corin turned out to be successful in new bra model, after months of research, cups and their shape willevenly distribute the pressure applied to the breast. Results of conducted analysis have already been implemented and used In creating latest collections. New, healthy bras manufactured by Corin will not cause unnecessary pressure and at the same time are most comfortable.Time will show how applying innovative technologies works out for everyday use.
The answer for the last question will provide program “How do they do it?” of popular Discovery Science Channel. Their reporters specially came to Poland to Pabianice and Łódź to discover the secrets of how to construct and sew Perfect Bra.
“How do they do it?” accompanies the production processes in factories all over the world. Now the latest series is broadcasted in 200 countries. In this series viewers will have the opportunity to see how Corin’s Perfect Bra is being manufactured. Discovery Channel reporters were interested in unique research that was carried out for more than a year and a half together with Technical University of Łódź and Polish Mother Memorial Hospital in Łódź. The aim was to construct uniquely comfortable and safe for women’s health bra.
This seemingly small part of women’s clothing is also the most difficult to construct. The entire production cycle requires great precision and accuracy. Engineers from Technical University conducted series of simulations and analyzes to convey to Corin guidelines for the perfect bra production. For all tests ultrasensitive thermovision cameras were used. Bras were tested by a group of women of various age and breast size